The series is being posted because of its popularity at Grace Baptist Church. It is sure to teach you precious truths that you will treasure all of your days. The first in the 3-part series deals with the parable of the Treasure in the Field.
Jun 29, 2014The Incomparable Value of the Kingdom: Part 1 The Treasure in the Field
Jun 29, 2014
The Incomparable Value of the Kingdom: Part 1 The Treasure in the Field
The series is being posted because of its popularity at Grace Baptist Church. It is sure to teach you precious truths that you will treasure all of your days. The first in the 3-part series deals with the parable of the Treasure in the Field.
Are you a member of the Fault Finders Club? Join us as we examine Scripture to discover the truth. It is time for us to get our eyes off self and others and place them upon Christ where they belong.