Mar 4, 2018
2 John 2:4-6
Series: The Epistles of Christ from John
In this text we see the necessary linking of truth and love and that love is inseparably linked to obedience.
- Mar 4, 20182 John 2:4-6
Mar 4, 20182 John 2:4-6Series: The Epistles of Christ from JohnIn this text we see the necessary linking of truth and love and that love is inseparably linked to obedience.
- Mar 4, 2018Sounding the Alarm: Part 2
Mar 4, 2018Sounding the Alarm: Part 2In this message from 2 Peter 2:1b-3a, we continue to see the remaining characteristics of false teachers with warnings of the false gospel along with the gospel presented in a biblically concise manner.
- Feb 25, 20182 John 1-3
Feb 25, 20182 John 1-3Series: The Epistles of Christ from JohnWe begin our study of 2 John and are taught of the importance of the balance between truth and love...that truth must always govern the exercise of our love.
- Feb 25, 2018Sound the Alarm
Feb 25, 2018Sound the AlarmAs we continue to study 2 Peter we learn of the importance of doctrinal purity in the church. Pastor Mark also clarifies the meaning of "denying the Lord who bought them".
- Feb 18, 2018Revelation by the Spirit
Feb 18, 2018Revelation by the SpiritSeries: Non-SeriesIn this message Pastor Mark takes us deeper into the doctrines of the revelation of Scripture and the inspiration of Scripture through an accurate, contextual study of I Corinthians 2.
- Feb 18, 2018God’s Word: Steadfast and Sure
Feb 18, 2018God’s Word: Steadfast and SureAs we look at 2 Peter 1:16-21 we learn of the importance of a proper understanding of the all-sufficiency of Scripture.
- Feb 11, 2018The Lion and the Lamb
Feb 11, 2018The Lion and the LambSeries: Non-SeriesIn this Sunday night message Pastor Mark continues to share with us what he himself is seeing and savoring concerning the Person of Jesus Christ. Here we learn that He reveals Himself to us as the Lamb-like Lion and the lion-like Lamb.
- Feb 11, 2018The Pastoral Passion of Peter
Feb 11, 2018The Pastoral Passion of PeterIn 2 Peter 1:12-15 we see the passion of Peter for the churches to be constantly reminded of the truths from God's Word that they had been taught. We see his desire to teach those truths to his dying breath. We also learn how that applies to the believer today.
- Feb 4, 2018The Beauty of Christ
Feb 4, 2018The Beauty of ChristSeries: Non-SeriesPastor Mark leads us to wade in the depths of the beauty of the Person of Jesus Christ.
- Feb 4, 2018Our Highest Endeavor
Feb 4, 2018Our Highest EndeavorThis message takes the believer into the more horizontal aspect of salvation...our responsibility in our sanctification as taught in 2 Peter 1:5-11.
- Jan 28, 2018I John 5:18-21
Jan 28, 2018I John 5:18-21Series: The Epistles of Christ from JohnIn this message entitled, "How to Be Free from Sin" we receive great promises and in the end, strong admonition.
- Jan 28, 2018The Greatness of Salvation
Jan 28, 2018The Greatness of SalvationLearn from 2 Peter 1:3-4 of the greatness of the provision of God for the believer in the new nature imparted at regeneration.