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Apr 29, 2018
The Longsuffering of God
In this message we are shown the true biblical meaning of 2 Peter 3:9 as it has been unnecessarily debated for many years. We also learn of the assurance of Christ's return to earth for judgment.
- Apr 29, 2018The Longsuffering of God
Apr 29, 2018The Longsuffering of GodIn this message we are shown the true biblical meaning of 2 Peter 3:9 as it has been unnecessarily debated for many years. We also learn of the assurance of Christ's return to earth for judgment.
- Apr 22, 2018The Timeless God
Apr 22, 2018The Timeless GodIn this passage, 2 Peter 3:5-8, we learn of the hand of God over the water, fire and time, supporting the truth of the assurance of His return to earth.
- Apr 15, 20183 John 12-14
Apr 15, 20183 John 12-14Series: The Epistles of Christ from JohnWe learn about the godly example of Demetrius and the importance of friendships within the local church. This message completes our study of the epistles of John.
- Apr 15, 2018Mocking His Coming
Apr 15, 2018Mocking His ComingIn this message we learn of the dangerous influence of those who mock the truth of the Second Coming of Christ.
- Apr 8, 2018Dr. Billy Marsh
Apr 8, 2018Dr. Billy MarshBy: Dr. Billy MarshSeries: Guest SpeakerWe are thankful for the preaching ministry of Dr. Billy Marsh, Theology professor at Cedarville University as he fills the pulpit in Pastor Mark's absence.
- Apr 1, 20183 John 9-11
Apr 1, 20183 John 9-11Series: The Epistles of Christ from JohnIn this message entitled, "Mr. Limelight", we learn of the dangerous tactics of Satan in using people who are power-hungry in a local church.
- Apr 1, 2018The Day Death Died
Apr 1, 2018The Day Death DiedSeries: Non-SeriesIn this message Pastor Mark takes us to Romans 6 to show us the glorious accomplishments of Christ's resurrection and the permanence of the new life of the believer on the basis of Christ's resurrection life.
- Mar 25, 2018Brought Near by the Blood
Mar 25, 2018Brought Near by the BloodSeries: Non-SeriesOn this Palm Sunday Pastor Mark takes us to Ephesians 2:13-16 and a message entitled, "Brought Near by the Blood".
- Mar 18, 20183 John 1-8
Mar 18, 20183 John 1-8Series: The Epistles of Christ from JohnWe continue our study of John's epistles by beginning our study of 3 John. We learn of Gaius, who is a stalwart of truth himself and is a great example of hospitality to preachers of truth.
- Mar 18, 2018The Chief Sin of False Teachers: Pride- Part 1
Mar 18, 2018The Chief Sin of False Teachers: Pride- Part 1In this message we see Peter's graphic description of the false teachers of his day and are reminded of the importance of holding to the truth of Scripture.
- Mar 11, 20182 John 7-13
Mar 11, 20182 John 7-13Series: The Epistles of Christ from JohnAs we conclude 2 John we learn of the importance of never encouraging false teachers in their deceiving efforts in any form, so that we not lose our full reward when we stand before Christ.
- Mar 11, 2018The God of Truth is the God of Wrath
Mar 11, 2018The God of Truth is the God of WrathIn this message we see that God is a God of truth and a God of wrath as we see examples of His judgment upon false teachers and those who follow them.