Jun 4, 2017
Great Spiritual Privileges
In this passage we learn about the Christ's great office as Living Stone and how believers are also living stones. We also learn what it means to be a priest of God.
- Jun 4, 2017Great Spiritual Privileges
Jun 4, 2017Great Spiritual PrivilegesIn this passage we learn about the Christ's great office as Living Stone and how believers are also living stones. We also learn what it means to be a priest of God.
- May 28, 2017New Life: New Thirst
May 28, 2017New Life: New ThirstAllow the Holy Spirit to convict your heart as we are challenged with I Peter 2:1-2 and the intense desire for the "pure milk of the Word" that should be present in every believer.
- May 21, 2017The True Test of Salvation
May 21, 2017The True Test of SalvationIn this passage we learn about the new life imparted to the believer in regeneration-- that its fruit is love that sees the person as precious and seeks to sacrifice for the one loved.
- May 14, 2017The Riches of Redemption
May 14, 2017The Riches of RedemptionListen in as Pastor Mark delves into the riches of the redemption of the believer as unveiled in I Peter 1:18-21.
- May 7, 2017The Character of God and Our Obligation
May 7, 2017The Character of God and Our ObligationIn this passage we see that God is holy and fearful which obliges the believer to reflect God's holiness in both their minds and their conduct.
- Apr 30, 2017The Pinnacle of Redemption
Apr 30, 2017The Pinnacle of RedemptionIn verses 10-12 we learn about what the Old Testament prophets understood of saving grace, how they indirectly ministered to New Testament saints and about the curiosity of the angels concerning saving grace.
- Apr 23, 2017Joy that Triumphs
Apr 23, 2017Joy that TriumphsLearn how believers can have joy in even the greatest trials.
- Apr 2, 2017Our Glorious Inheritance
Apr 2, 2017Our Glorious InheritanceLearn about the glorious inheritance of the believer. I Peter 1:3-5 shows us its source, its impelling force, how it is acquired, its essential qualities and its protection.
- Mar 26, 2017Election’s Trinity
Mar 26, 2017Election’s TrinityIn this message we look at the rest of I Peter 1:2. We learn of the effects or fruits of election.
- Mar 19, 2017The Grand Opening
Mar 19, 2017The Grand OpeningIn this message we begin our study of I Peter as we maker our way through both of his epistles. Today we learn of the background and setting of the letter and a detailed treatment of the doctrine of election and the foreknowledge of God.