James: Passing the Test

Nov 3, 2019
James 5:19-20
In this message we learn about the believer's responsibility to seek the salvation of church-attending unbelievers who stray from the truths they had heard.
- Nov 3, 2019James 5:19-20
Nov 3, 2019James 5:19-20In this message we learn about the believer's responsibility to seek the salvation of church-attending unbelievers who stray from the truths they had heard.
- Oct 27, 2019James 5:16-18
Oct 27, 2019James 5:16-18In this message we learn about the practice of confessing sins to one another and the description of effectual prayer.
- Oct 13, 2019James 5:13-18
Oct 13, 2019James 5:13-18In this message Pastor Mark clears up what is often misunderstood about this passage by revealing the context and etymology. This makes this passage simple to understand and encouraging to those under persecution for the gospel of Christ.
- Oct 6, 2019James 5:12
Oct 6, 2019James 5:12In this verse we learn what James means when he says to "swear not" and to let our Yes be Yes and our No be No. Pastor Mark also addresses the absurdity of modern-day cursing.
- Sep 29, 2019James 5:7-11
Sep 29, 2019James 5:7-11In this passage we learn of the importance of patience during trials which come from people especially as we focus on the imminent return of Christ for His sheep.
- Sep 22, 2019James 5:1-6
Sep 22, 2019James 5:1-6In this ,message we see how God feels about the unsaved wealthy who hoard up their riches rather than using them for the work of Christ's kingdom.
- Sep 8, 2019James 4:13-17
Sep 8, 2019James 4:13-17In this message called "Self-sufficiency or Submission?" we are reminded to live each day in submission to God's sovereignty and with a constant desire to fulfill His will.
- Aug 25, 2019James 4:11-12
Aug 25, 2019James 4:11-12In the message, "Slander: a Blasphemous Sin", we learn just how serious a sin slander truly is.
- Aug 11, 2019James 4:7-10
Aug 11, 2019James 4:7-10In this message called "Defining Repentance" Pastor Mark shows us that James is speaking to unbelievers in this text as James commands them to repent in 10 commands.
- Aug 4, 2019James 4:4-6
Aug 4, 2019James 4:4-6In this message entitled,"Dangerous Ground", we learn of the dangers of a complacent attitude as we await Christ's coming. We are reminded to be faithful to work hard even in the daily grind, to be peaceful and to mind our own business.
- Jul 14, 2019James 4:1-2
Jul 14, 2019James 4:1-2In this text we see the dangers of an unbridled flesh from 4:1-2.
- Jul 10, 2019James 3:13-18
Jul 10, 2019James 3:13-18In this message called "Wisdom from Above" we learn about the difference between human wisdom and godly wisdom.